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Request for a review of the increase in hot-rolled steel imports

24 thg 4, 2024

Deputy Prime Minister Lê Minh Khái has instructed relevant agencies to review and monitor the increase in hot-rolled steel imports to proactively implement appropriate measures.

Document No. 2684/VPCP-TH dated April 23, 2024, states: The Government Office has Report No. 1309/BC-VPCP dated April 14, 2024, summarizing an article about the significant increase in hot-rolled steel (HRC) imports to over 9.6 million tons, primarily from China and India, as reported by the media on April 9, 2024.

Regarding this issue, Deputy Prime Minister Lê Minh Khái has assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to lead and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other relevant agencies to review and monitor the recent surge in hot-rolled steel imports. This is to proactively and effectively implement suitable measures in accordance with their authority and legal regulations, protecting the legitimate interests of the domestic manufacturing industry in line with international practices and ensuring fair competition

Source: Vietstock

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